What is an encounter in TFT? New Set 11 mechanic explained

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Liam Ho

Set 11 of Teamfight Tactics is quickly coming on the horizon. With new units, augments, and traits a new mechanic is joining the fray, here’s what encounters do in Set 11 of Teamfight Tactics.

Teamfight Tactics will be bringing a brand new mechanic with Set 11: Inkborn Fables. With Remix Rumble reprising headliners, Inkborn Fables introduces encounters with champions, who will alter the game state by offering various buffs and choices to the player.

With just how massive of an effect encounters can have on the game state, it’s a good idea to get brushed up on what’s what. Fortunately, we have a handy explainer for you.

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What is an encounter?

Encounters are randomly occurring events that can happen in a Teamfight Tactics game in Set 11. Encounters can replace certain rounds like Carousel Rounds, meaning you’ll never quite get the same experience from game to game.

All players will come across a champion, and depending on the champion will change a certain aspect of the game or give them a choice of two options. Sometimes this is as minor as Hwei giving players a temporary target dummy or even Neeko giving players a 3-star one cost temporarily.

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Conversely, some encounters can be massively game-changing, like Kayn forcing the game to automatically end at Stage 5-4, or Cho’Gath permanently devouring one of your shop slots.

Encounter rules

Players can expect up to 5 encounters per game, with each of them offering a different effect. Major encounters like Kayn will always happen at Stage 1-1, so players understand what they’re getting into when the match begins.

Encounter examples

Here are a few examples of encounters, as provided by Riot.

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An encounter with Lillia can randomize when Augments will appear throughout the match.

An encounter with Sett can provide players with Training Dummies.

An encounter with Ornn could add a random artifact item to every unit on the carousel.

Source link https://returndays.com/index.php/2024/03/04/what-is-an-encounter-in-tft-new-set-11-mechanic-explained/?feed_id=224422&_unique_id=65e521232314c

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