Is it harder to play in Europe or South America?

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Europe and South America are the two best continents when it comes to soccer. The talent level and success at international and club level are unrivaled. Similarly, these two continents possess fan bases that can legitimately impact any game based on emotions and momentum.

Many of the best players in Europe come from South America. Players like Neymar, Angel Di María and Luis Suárez all had stints at clubs in their native countries.

Europe certainly holds more prestige in that regard and, consequently, more money. This is why no players in South America are ever in consideration for best player in the world.

Yet, South American soccer is perhaps more intense than its European counterpart. Take the rivalry between Boca Juniors and River Plate as an an example. On several occasions, games between these two had to be called off or postponed due to fan violence or even player violence. We seldom see reactions on the same level in Europe, especially considering Boca and River are two of the biggest clubs on the continent.

Traditionally speaking, European soccer is more professional. Tactics dominate. Comparatively, South American soccer developed a reputation as being more violent and physical. Perhaps rivalries like that between Boca and River or Corinthians and Palmeiras contributed to that reputation.

Is it harder to play in Europe or South America?

Considering talent, pressure and overall experience, which do you think is more challenging: playing in Europe or playing in South America?

As stated previously, players from South America will travel to Europe to play the better competition. Curiously, seldom do European players go the opposite way, even though the competition is full of emotion and vigor in South America.

What do you think? Is the tactical and mindful side of Europe more challenging than the raucous South American leagues and the Copa Libertadores?

PHOTO: Matthew Ashton – AMA/Getty Images

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