
Akame Ga Kill may be a somewhat older anime, originally airing in 2014, but its story tackles topics that are almost always relevant — from the rich exploiting and preying on the poor to corruption within the government. And given that the series delves into one group's attempts to start a revolution, it's no surprise that many of the characters perish before the two seasons of the anime come to a close.
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In fact, Akame Ga Kill is one of the few older anime series that never shied away from killing off its characters, whether they were in leading or supporting roles. Of course, it is a show about a bunch of assassins, so death is probably par for the course. Even if fans expected to lose their beloved favorites going into the series, the show still managed to make all of its departures pretty heartbreaking.
Updated On November 3rd, 2021 by Claris Lam: Though this list had ten heartbreaking deaths, there are many more deaths that are equally just as saddening. Five entries have been added to make this list more complete.
15 Numa Seika Was A Hero That Met His Downfall

Even though viewers barely knew Numa Seika, he was previously hailed as a hero before Esdeath brutally killed him. He was so well-known that he was called the "Hero of the South" as part of his reputation. After Esdeath successfully defeated his army, wiped out his base, and crushed him both physically and mentally, she made him lick her boots before she finally killed him with a kick to the head. Even though Numa's appearance was brief, his death was saddening to see considering how he once protected the Northern Tribes successfully before finally meeting such a tragic downfall.
14 Zanku Lost His Sanity From Killing Others Before He Died

Zanku's death is fairly tragic to viewers because he already lost his sanity long before he died. After he lost his sanity from killing others as an executioner, he escaped his position and ended up killing random individuals throughout the Empire by beheading them. Night Raid was contracted to eventually stop his killing rampage, and Akame successfully slashed his throat. Many viewers felt that this was more of a mercy kill and that the death was tragic due to the circumstances leading to it. It also helped that Zanku finally found peace in death, after Akame killed him.
13 Esdeath Was Memorable And Some Fans Were Sad To See Her Go

Despite Esdeath's sadistic reputation, some viewers were saddened when she finally died. Even though her fighting was what cost other members of Night Raid their lives, such as Susanoo, some fans sympathized with her thanks to her backstory. After she returned from an outing to find her tribe outright destroyed, including her father dying in her arms, Esdeath vowed to become stronger.
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She also later grew obsessed with Tatsumi, to the joy of some fans and the horror of others. Her death, though simplistic compared to others since she was just fatally stabbed in battle, left a great impression on her fans who knew that her obsession with Tatsumi was a factor in her death.
12 Liver Died Out Of Loyalty To Esdeath

Even though Liver was one of the antagonists, he was one of the more well-liked ones by fans. This was due to his intense loyalty to Esdeath, in addition to his backstory. He used to be a good general who refused to take bribes, setting him apart from other corrupt politicians and other heinous characters featured throughout the series. He was dismissed from his post after he refused to give in to the Prime Minster's bribes. This led Esdeath to offer Liver work under her. Even though he grew more sadistic by working with her, his intentions were at least good in the beginning, and fans were sad to see him go after he died from wounds and blood loss.
11 Sayo's Death Led Tatsumi To Join Night Raid

Sayo was a sweet young girl who was Ieyasu and Tatsumi's friend. However, after Sayo and Ieyasu made the fatal mistake of letting Aria take them in for the night, Sayo was given a drugged meal to lose consciousness before later being brutally tortured to death.
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Even though viewers had little time to get to know Sayo, they felt horrible for her being tortured. Aria even noted later on that she only tortured Sayo worse than Ieyasu because Aria was jealous of Sayo's hair. Not only did Sayo die because of Aria's sadism, but also because Aria was petty enough to torture her over something so small.
10 Ieyasu Died Shortly After Sayo Did And His Death Also Led Tatsumi To Join Night Raid

The first deaths of Akame Ga Kill happened early on in the anime, with Tatsumi losing both of his childhood friends to a sadistic wealthy family that preys on ignorant travelers. Even though viewers don't see much of Tatsumi's friends, Ieyasu and Sayo, learning of their deaths is difficult — especially when it comes to seeing Tatsumi's reaction.
Sayo is already gone when Tatsumi finds his friends, but Ieyasu has enough energy left to offer Tatsumi some parting words, just in case the poor guy wasn't already heartbroken enough. Although viewers don't get to see a ton of Ieyasu before this moment, it's clear that he's a likable guy from his brief moments in the anime.
9 Chelsea's Death Was Sudden & Shocking

Chelsea is one of the members of Night Raid who joins the group later in the series, meaning viewers don't get a ton of time to get acquainted with her. But the time fans do spend with her is full of spunk, especially when she's arguing with Mine — something the two girls do comically often over the course of the anime.
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Given her newcomer status, it's possible that Chelsea's death shouldn't have been surprising. But her power to transform into other people gave her an advantage that made her loss against the Empire a surprising one, and sudden deaths are always hard on viewers. To add to that, the next time we see Chelsea, her head is on a pike in the Empire's square. It's meant to serve as an example to the other characters, but it's also a warning to the viewers: Things get serious from this point onward, and Chelsea's death emphasizes that no one is safe.
8 Sheele Died Protecting Her Friend

Sheele is another member of Night Raid that fans could have used some more time with, but she departs from the series during its first cour, leaving the others with only memories of her to look back on. Sheele dies when she and Mine are ambushed by Seryu, an Imperial Guard who's devoted to her cause. Seeking vengeance for her own losses, she makes sure to take down at least one member of Night Raid, even if it costs her own life. Sadly, that member is Sheele.
Sheele and Mine nearly win the battle against Seryu, but the two girls are caught off guard when the latter shoots Sheele anyway, tainting what would otherwise have been an impressive victory. The fact that Sheele more or less dies protecting her friend only makes her sacrifice that much more honorable and heartbreaking.
7 Susanoo Lost His Life To Esdeath

Susanoo joined Night Raid around the same time as Chelsea, and unfortunately, he didn't last a whole lot longer in the series than she did. Given that he himself is an Imperial Arms— essentially making him a living weapon— it takes quite a bit to defeat Susanoo. Fighting against an enemy like Esdeath is always a risky feat, and it's one that costs Susanoo his life.
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His willingness to part with his life is part of what makes Susanoo's farewell so difficult to accept, even though viewers can respect his determination to see his friends escape Esdeath's clutches alive. He uses himself as a shield to block her from pursuing them, and even the villain is impressed enough to acknowledge him as a "legendary warrior" before she destroys him.
6 Lubbock Went Down Smiling With No Regrets

Lubbock often serves as comic relief during Akame GaKill; given how dark the anime can get, it's a role that's much needed. But whenever the comedic character dies, there's always a realization that the show is about to go somewhere incredibly dark. That's certainly the case when Lubbock departs.
Lubbock's final moments on Akame Ga Kill fit his character. Even as he falls to his death, Lubbock goes down smiling and with no regrets. It’s a fitting ending for him, even if it’s painful to watch.
5 Kurome Died At The Hands Of Her Own Sister

Although Kurome spends the entirety of her tenure on Akame Ga Kill as a villain, it's difficult not to sympathize with the girl. Even if she doesn't find an issue with the brainwashing and manipulation the Empire has put her through, viewers see pieces of her childhood through Akame's eyes, and it's maddening that the poor girl never really had a chance to be better.
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The fact that she dies at the hands of her own sister only makes this moment worse. Even if viewers can't feel sorry for Kurome after all that she's done, it's impossible not to feel something for Akame.
4 Bulat's Death Passed The Torch To Tatsumi

Bulat is the first major character to lose their life in Akame Ga Kill, and his death serves as a warning to both the viewers and the other characters. As the series continues, Bulat also inspires Tatsumi to work harder to achieve Night Raid's goals and be a better person. Bulat’s impact carries on long after his life, and that only makes viewers wish they’d gotten to see more of him.
From what we do see of Bulat, he’s an extremely good person, as well as a formidable opponent in battle. When he dies and passes the torch— along with his Imperial Arms— to Tatsumi, it’s a heart-wrenching moment.
3 Leone Died After A Battle With The Empire's Soldiers

Leone is one of those characters who always comes off as invincible, so it's hard to accept that she isn't, particularly when her death comes so suddenly and needlessly at the end of the series. By the time Leone engages in her final battle with the Empire's soldiers, it's already clear that Tatsumi and the others are going to defeat the Emperor.
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Of course, it also doesn't help that the anime dangles hope in its viewers' faces before confirming that Leone is, in fact, fatally injured. Her farewell to Akame gives fans a few seconds of hope that she might make it to the end of the anime— only to rip it away when she reveals her wounds to the other girl.
2 Mine Sacrificed Herself To Save Tatsumi

Mine is one of the original members of Night Raid, and although she's bubbly and girly on the outside, she has a far more resolute side that comes out as the series continues. Watching her sacrifice her own life to save Tatsumi isn't easy, especially given their final interaction with one another.
Tatsumi's assertion that Mine needs to live to "make something of her life," just as she always wanted to, is a painful one. "I already have," Mine tells him. It should be comforting that she's satisfied with the impact she's had on the world, but we wanted her to come out on top in the end.
1 Tatsumi Sacrificed Himself To Save His City

Of all the deaths that occur during Akame Ga Kill, Tatsumi's probably hits the hardest. It's hard to say whether Tatsumi's final moments are so difficult to watch because Night Raid has lost so much already, or if it's because he's the main character and the one person who never needed to be wrapped up in the rebellion against the Empire.
Whether he needed to step up or not, Tatsumi sacrifices everything to save the people of his city from the child emperor attacking them. His actions change the course of the world and help Night Raid achieve everything they set out to accomplish, even if it costs Tatsumi his life and his promise to Akame. Akame's despair at Tatsumi's decision only makes his final moments worse, ending the anime on an incredibly bittersweet note.
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