How To Play As Jack-8 In Tekken 8

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Whether you're looking for a more technical fighter or just want to press buttons and see your opponent's Health Gauge deplete, Tekken 8 offers 32 characters on its roster for you to find exactly who you're looking for. And, if it's the latter option you're looking for, you're in for a treat, as there are many options of pure brute force on the roster for your picking.

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Of course, we are speaking about Jack-8, the definition of a character that uses their monstrous size and strength to steamroll their opponent with only a few hits. If you want to deal immense damage with minimal effort, then Jack-8 may just be the character for you, though don't expect things to be too much of a cakewalk, as it is still Tekken, after all.

Jack-8 Overview

Jack-8's entrance video in Tekken 8

While Jack-8 is leaning heavily toward the easier end of the roster concerning being able to pick up and play as them regardless of your skill level, some aspects of their gameplay can be tricky and deceptively challenging to get down, but if you're looking to dish out tons of damage in concise bursts, then he is your go-to man.

What makes Jack-8 a bit more challenging than you might have anticipated is his new stance, Gamma Howl, which is where the vast majority of his pressure and optimization will come from in Tekken 8. While you can still dominate your opponent with a handful of his standard attack options, this is ultimately his bread and butter.

However, despite this, Gamma Howl isn't too complex to get the hang of, especially if you are practicing in the game's Training Mode, which is why we would put him toward the more accessible side of the roster. Just remember it will take a bit of time and effort on your end to get completely comfortable with his stances and general gameplay!

Jack-8 Important Moves

Jack-8 hitting Nina with a Programmed Uppercut in Tekken 8

Now that the general overview of Jack-8 is out of the way let's explore his Move List. While we won't be going over his complete Move List here - that would be far too many moves - we will be highlighting the most crucial moves in his arsenal, which you will frequently use to get rolling. You can find these moves in the table below!

★ = Neutral (Don't Press Anything)

Important Moves For Jack-8

Move Name


Attack Type

Programmed Uppercut

d/f 2

Mid Attack/Launcher

Tornado Punch


Mid Attack/Tornado Move/Homing Attack

Granite Stomping

fF 3

Mid Attack

Combo Starter on Counter Hit.

Barrel Jacket Hammer

u/b 1+2

High Attack/Power Crush/Homing Attack

Absorbs incoming Mid/High Attacks.

Sit Down

d 3+4

Jack-8 enters his Sit Down Stance.

Gamma Howl


Jack-8 enters his Gamma Howl Stance.

Again, the table above is only a tiny sample of what is available to Jack-8 but demonstrates what to expect when playing as him. While he does have access to many more moves, he only really needs to utilize a handful of them to dish out the immense amounts of damage you know him for, making him a tremendous threat in the arena!

Jack-8 Combos

Jack-8 executing his Heat Smash on Nina in Tekken 8

And, of course, it wouldn't be a Tekken guide without shining light on some of the best combos available for Jack-8. Again, you can do so much with very little regarding this character. In short, that's what makes him such a formidable opponent and a blast to play.

Below, you will find all sorts of combos for Jack-8, ranging from Standard Combos to Counter Hit specific ones, as well as his Wall Carry Combos and how to even get more damage out of him by incorporating Heat and Rage actions into them!

Jack-8 Standard Combos

  • d/f 2 > f 4 > b 3, 2 > b 3, 2 D > (During Gamma Howl) f 1 > fF 1+2, 2
  • d/f 2 > f 4 > f 1, 2 > b 3, 2 D > (During Gamma Howl) f 1 > f 3, D > (During Gamma Howl) 4
  • d/f 2 > ★ > 2 > fF > 2 > b 1 > d/f 1, 1 > ff > f 3, D > (During Gamma Howl) 4
  • b d/b d d/f f, d/f 1 > fF > f 4 > b 3, 2 > b 3, 2, 2
  • d/f 1, 2 D > (During Heat and Gamma Howl) 4 F > b 1 > f 1, 2, 1 > b 3, 2 D > (During Gamma Howl) 4

Jack-8 Counter Hit Combos

  • 1+2 > ff > f 4 > b 1 > f 1, 2, 1
  • fF 3 > f 4 > b 3, 2 > b 3, 2 d > ★ > f 1 > ff > 1+2, 2
  • fF 3 > f 4 > ff > 2 > b 1 > f 1, 2, 1 > ff > f 1, 2, 1
  • (b 1), 3 > f 4 > ff > 2 > b 1 > f 1, 2, 1 > ff > f 1, 2, 1

Jack-8 Wall Carry Combos

  • d/f 4 (Counter Hit) > f 1, 1 (Balcony Break) > 4 > 2+3 > ff > f 3, D > 4 F > ff > b 3, 2, 2 (Wall Splat) > fF > d/f 1, 1 > f 3, D > f 2
  • d/f 2 > f 4 > fF 2 > b 1 > f 1, 2, 1 > fF 2 (Wall Splat) > ff > b 3, 2 > d/f 3+4
  • d 1+2 > fF > u 1+2 > f 1, 2 > b 3, 2, 2 (Wall Splat) > ff > b d/b d d/f f, d/f 1 > b 3, 2 D > f 2

Jack-8 Heat And Rage Combo

  • fF 3 (Counter Hit) > b 3, 2 > b 1 > f 1, 2, 1 > fF > b 3, 2, 2 (Wall Splat) > 2+3 > 2+3 (Wall Break) > fF 2 > d/f 1+2

Jack-8 Tips And Tricks

Jack-8's victory screen in Tekken 8

With our Jack-8 guide coming to a close, let's wrap things up with a few more tips and tricks that will enable you to get even more out of him and progress even deeper into the Online Ranks. As mentioned before, while he is a relatively straightforward character, his execution can be a bit challenging, so here are a few things you can try to implement to alleviate some of that!

Jack-8 has tremendous pokes and jabs, meaning he has excellent tools and options at neutral that allow him to get in on his opponent and begin his pressure. His d/b 1 is one of his best options, as it covers a considerable amount of range, is hard to read, and can't really be countered, as the pushback leaves you at a pretty decent range when blocked.

Lastly, his f 3, D has him enter his new Gamma Howl Stance, serving as an excellent mix-up tool, having him maintain his pressure and deal tons of damage on a Counter Hit. Jabbing with his 2 is the best way to initiate your offense, then tossing in one of his many mids or stances afterward as mixes will go a long way!

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