Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown

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Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown brings with it a lot of amazing and enjoyable features. There are plenty of collectibles to seek out, some amazing side quests to complete, lots to explore, and plenty of enemies to defeat — with bosses being a whole other beast compared to regular enemies.


You know you’re in for a boss fight when you see a health bar with a name at the bottom of the screen — as is the case for Jahandar. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown takes a Metroidvania approach to its combat, which has spawned some memorably hard boss encounters throughout gaming history — so there are plenty of telegraphs to commit to memory.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

January 18, 2024

Who Is Jahandar?

Defeated Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

Jahandar is one of the first bosses you will encounter in the game and the last one you will face before completing the first Main Quest. Before facing him, you will have taken down two other bosses in the form of the Undead Soldier and the Erlik. These first two bosses will come before you have acquired some of the core mechanical features of the game, and are still learning all the beginner tips and tricks — while Jahandar feels like the first real test of your metal.

Appearance-wise, Jahandar is a manticore, which is a mythical beast with the body of a lion, the wings of a bat, the tail of a scorpion, and the horns of a ram. Jahandar also has glowing eyes, and a large beard, and is adorned with several pieces of jewelry throughout his face. The boss arena he is fought in is riddled with human skeletons, implying that he is a truly fearsome foe to go up against.

Puny mortal... Your life ends here

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How To Defeat Jahandar

Defeated Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight-1

Jahandar will telegraph his moves, so knowing what each one will lead to will be the best way to avoid any and all damage that may come your way. Jahandar can quickly reposition himself, so be ready to react to a telegraph and strike at every opening he gives you. Save your arrows for phase 2 and be sure to periodically use Verethragna's Smite for some extra damage while Jahandar is recovering from an attack he just made. If you are struggling to defeat Jahandar, you can always go pick up some more Healing Potions at the Magi Emporium.

Tail Strike

Tail Strike Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

Jahandar will lower their head and shift the front of their body away from the player while their tail extends towards them. During this time, a red eye will flash on the screen. The tip of his tail will then glow green as it rattles and slams into the ground to produce a shockwave. You are able to slide straight towards Jahandar’s head and get in some damage while also avoiding the shockwave. This attack will leave a crater in the ground filled with a pool of green poison.


Swipe Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

Jahandar will raise his paw into the air before swiping at Sargon. When this happens, slide towards Jahamdar before he swipes. If you turn around, you may be able to get a single hit in, but it is risky and not recommended.

Tail Whip

Tail Whip Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

Swipe will almost always be followed up with this attack. While behind Jahandar, he may attempt to whip Sargon with his tail. This telegraph comes in the form of him hitting his tail to the ground while looking behind himself. Shortly after, his tail will whip back at the player. When the tail hits the ground before the whip, slide under Jahandar and then turn to face him. You will be able to get 3 clean hits in their back.


Flight Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

Jahandar will arch his body and fly upward off the ground with glowing red eyes. When this happens, it means he is about to come crashing back down soon. Run in whichever direction has the most open area and then jump before Jahadar hits the ground to avoid the shockwave he will make — this will prevent you from taking damage whenever this move is done. Rocks will rain down from the sky shortly after this move, but they will not be next to Jahandar — making this an ideal time to get really close to deal some damage. The moment Jahadar has hit the ground, turn around and move towards Jahandar. You will be able to get 3 clean hits in.


Charge Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

At times when there is a lot of distance between Sargon and Jahandar, a yellow eye will flash before Jahadar charges forward. When this happens, you will want to parry at the moment of impact for a short cinematic moment. This will leave Jahander vulnerable to a barrage of attacks. This is when you will be getting a sizable amount of your damage in, so you do not want to waste these opportunities. It may be tempting to get distance between you and Jahadar to create more of these opportunities. However, things can easily get out of hand in Phase 2 when he has several new attacks that can shake things up.

Start Of Phase 2

Phase 2 Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

A cutscene will play after you have dealt enough damage, and after a short speech, the fight will resume — and as previously stated, Jahandar will have some new tricks to throw your way. So you will need to be on your guard for even more telegraphs.

You are a mortal. Death is your destiny

Purple Orb

Purple Orb Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

Jahandar will look upward and form a purple orb. The orb will then start to move towards the player while in the air. Use your bow to deal damage to this orb, and finish it with your swords when it is within range, in order to destroy it. If the orb reaches the position above the player, it will fire down a blast of black lighting. It will then continue to travel in there and repeat this until it is destroyed, so do not leave it unchecked.

Spike Rain

Spikes Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

Jahandar throws out several spikes from his tail towards Sargon. You are able to dodge or parry these, just keep an eye on Jahandar to not dodge into a position that leaves you vulnerable. The first few times there will just be a few spikes, but as Jahadar's health gets lower, more spikes will be added to this move.

Tail Strike (Version 2)

Sting Strike V2 Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

During phase 2, whenever Jahandar uses Tail Strike, he will take longer before pulling his tail out of the ground. This is due to a newly added follow-up attack where his tail will shoot up from the ground shortly after creating the pool of green poison. Stay mobile until his tail bursts forth from the ground before attempting to strike Jahandar.

Black Breath

Black Breath Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight

Jahadar will only use this attack when you are right up in his face. The expression, "his bark is worse than his bite" is a perfect example of this 'attack', as it does no damage to you whatsoever, which is also why you should expect it to connect with how instantaneously Jahadar pulls it off. This move will hit you without much you can do about it, since the purpose of this move is simply to put distance between you and Jahadar. Do not worry about trying to avoid this and rather just keep getting in as much damage as you can before it knocks you away. You will know this move is coming when he suddenly crouches and withdraws his head back towards his body.

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Prepare yourself for the next fight!

Jahandar Rewards & Amulet

Reward Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Jahandar Boss Fight-1

Once Jahadar's health bar has fully been depleted, players will be able to witness one of the game's incredibly stylish cutscenes. Upon defeating Jahandar, players will be able to pick up a bunch of time crystals (350 to be exact) and a Soma Tree Flower — which is like picking up four Soma Tree Petals at the same time. This will also complete the first Main Quest of the game. Progress to the right of Jahadar's body to claim your rewards.

Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown - What To Do With The Lost Key
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown's Scrapper vendor sells The Lost Key. This guide details what to do with it to earn a new Amulet and Skin.
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